Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I got some pretty cool souvenirs from my first MN state fair. Next year maybe I will get to try the food as well!!

We went to the minnesota state fair so we tried out the baby carrier. I didn't seem to mind it to much, but it was hot so it was hard to tell.

I am 4 months old already!!! where does the time go.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This a the outfit my mom's friend Jane got for me when I was born. Grandma Fimrite saved it and now Addy gets to wear it. Does it look familiar Jane?

Addy loves getting a bath and Diesel likes licking up her bath water and then licking her when I put lotion on Addy (Diesel loves to lick lotion)

Here are pictures of Addy's nursery (finally). Thanks to everyone that helped us get it organized for our little girl when she came home.