Sunday, September 30, 2012

We went to Berry Acres Pumpkin Patch this weekend with the kids and had lots of fun.  Climbing, sliding, train rides, corn maze, and of course pumpkins made for a fun time.  We will hopefully paint our pumpkin next weekend so I will post pictures when Addy is done with her masterpiece.  She needed a big pumpkin according the her so she will have lots of space to paint on.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

One of my favorite things to do with Addy has become making supper for daddy.  She loves to help and I hope that she continues to love cooking as she gets bigger.  Here she is getting messy and helping mommy mix the meat and stuff to make meatballs.  
I don't know where the time has gone, but Graham is 2 months old already.  We had his 2 month appointment and he is 23 1/2 inches long and weighed in at 13 lbs and 3 oz.  This is about 3 1/2 inches and 5 lbs bigger than when he was born.  The doctor said he is about the 75th percentile but for me it is too big too fast!!!

Being home with my babies for 12 weeks has allowed for fun and silly moments.  Addy found her dress up stuff and gave me a fashion show.  She also likes to play like she is a baby and sit in Graham's car seat.  I also caught Graham with a big smile under his playmat, which he loves to lay under!

Going to the Bismarck Street Fair has become a tradition the last 4 years for us and this year was no exception.  The only difference this year was we had to go watch Brenna run a half marathon before going and Addy was her biggest fan and cheered her on.  Afterwards Addy got go on a big slide and a train ride at the street fair.  It was a fun day for everyone!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Addy and Graham having fun together after bath time before going to bed.  I hope they love each other this much for the rest of their lives!

Addy and Daddy enjoying the rides at the fair!!  She wasn't big enough to go on the rides at the ND state fair so she had fun going on rides at the MN fair.
Graham also enjoyed his first MN state fair.  He will have many more to come and will enjoy it more every year.
Addy sharing a scotch egg (hard boiled egg wrapped in sausage and deep fried) with Daddy.  She also had cheese curds, roasted corn on the cob, fries,apple cider, and Sweet Martha's cookies and chocolate milk.  Basically we ate our way through the fair!!

We went to Minneapolis Labor Day weekend to spend time with Josh's family and go to the MN state fair.  Here is Addy with her cousins Mackenna and Caleb at the Little Farm Hands Booth at the fair.  They learn all about how a farm works to bring food to our tables.

If you can believe it, Graham is already a month old.  Where has the time gone.  I thought time went fast with  Addy, but when you have two it goes twice as fast.  How do I slow it down?!

Addy liked to watch Brenna stretch before her run this summer, so she decided to put Brenna's sweatbands on and stretch before she went for a "run!"

Brenna and Grandma took a week off so Addy, Graham and I spent the week with them at the lake.  That means Addy got plenty of Brenna time in which she loved.