Friday, May 10, 2013

This is the kids all ready to go to the zoo for its first opening in two years since the flood of 2011.  Not all the animals are back yet but they both had lots of fun.

Graham earned himself a crown and the nickname of Sir-Poops-a-lot because he had a week of lots of blow outs.  Two days in a row I had to pick him up in his snow suit at the end of the day because he had blown through all his clothes I had brought for him.  As you can see he was still happy even though his bowels did not seem to be.

A few weeks ago at daycare they celebrated the "Week of the Young Child" with different themes to each day.  Here are some pictures of a few of the days, career day (in which Addy wanted to be a princess when she grows up) and pajama day.  They had lots of fun with it.