Monday, August 26, 2013

Last year around Addy's 2nd birthday I did a little overview of what makes our little girl special so I thought I would do it again and also put stuff in there about Graham.  Here is the link to the post from last year so you can see if anything has changed with Addy:

Addy  (right from Addys mouth):

Favorite Books:  Dora, Jesus
Favorite songs: Itsy Bitsy Spider
Favorite colors: pink, purple, white, blue
Friends: Peyton and Taylor (both girls from daycare)
Favorite TV shows:  Dora and Diego, she has also been watching a lot of Strawberry shortcake and Magic
               School Bus (I used to watch those when I was younger and we found it on Netflix and she loves it)
Favorite Restaurant: Qdoba and Pizza Ranch
Favorite foods: Mac N Cheese and Noodles
Favorite activities:  Helping daddy outside, playing with mommy and art projects
Favorite animals: Monkey and Cat (Grandma had a stray cat around their house last summer and Addy got                  attached cause it would let you pet it, now when she sees on on out walk she is always trying to                     get it to follow us home.  she thinks we will let her keep it if it follows her home!)
Favorite Toy:  Lady Bug Puzzle from Nana and Papa
Favorite Character:  Cinderella, Dora, Tinkerbell
Favorite Movie: Finding Nemo
Favorite thing about Graham: playing with him, she calls him the Graham Monster and runs away and he likes              to chase her
New skills she is working on: cutting things with scissors
Funny things she says:  she says the "Jack and Jill" nursery rhyme but always says "petch a fail of water",
                "hugs and tisses"

Some of my favorite things about my little girl is the stuff she likes to eat.  We have never really allowed her to eat anything other than what we are having for supper so she likes eating lots of stuff most kids don't like.  For example, her favorite hot dog is a "spicy hot dog" also known as brats and her condiment of choice with it is mustard.  She loves black beans so much she always wants to eat at Qdoba and when I ask her if she wants green beans for a vegetable she says she likes black beans better.

We also can not get this girl to realize that 5 is a number.  She will count and always say 1,2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9.

Now on to Graham:

Favorite books:  anything with buttons or touch and feel
Favorite song: Jingle bells (he has a set of jingle bells he loves to shake as I sing,  even if he doesn't have his                   bells he still shakes his hand like he does)
Favorite color on him: Lime green
Favorite restaurant: Qdoba (not that he has much choice with Addy deciding but he loves black beans as                    much as his sister)
Favorite food: Fruit, any kind and as much as you will give him
Favorite activities:  Playing in the water, playing chase
Favorite animal:  Dogs, especially one that will get closer to him than Diesel
Favorite toy:  his push motorcycle Nana and Papa got him
Favorite character:  Lightning McQueen (or that is what Addy always chooses for him)
Favorite thing about Addy:  the way she makes him laugh.
New skill he is working on:  Walking

One of my favorite things about my little man is how much of a little flirt and ham he is.  When we are out he always is smiling or making silly faces at people.  I also loves his belly laugh and it isn't that hard to get him doing that.  I also love that you have to take the fruit off the table and out of Grahams sight or I think he will sit there and eat it all day.  And I haven't found a fruit he won't eat.

I also think its cute that to put himself to sleep he has this low growl sound he makes.  It  makes my throat hurt just thinking about making that noise as much as he does.

He is also a little dramatic when he doesn't get his way and throws himself to the floor which usually means he hits his head on something near him in the process which gives him something to really cry about.

Hope you enjoy the glimpse into my two precious blessings.

Mom, Do I have something on my face?  

We usually find Graham sleeping with a blanket over his face.  It freaks me out a little but if I try to take it off he just pulls it back over his head.  Silly little boy!!

Fun times in boxes or at least for Addy, Graham wasn't too sure about it.

Graham saying his goodbye to Emma the turtle.  He always wanted to get a hold of her.

Close up of Emma the painted turtle.

Emma swimming away to find her father in a pond by out house.

Can someone tell this dog that he is a dog cause I know he doesn't know it.  In his mind he is letting us live in his house!!

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Graham outside playing but he is usally just watching what his sister is doing.

Addy had to help mow the lawn the other night.  Doesn't everyone mow in their sparkly church shoes?

Addy showing off her painted turtle, Emma, from Grandpa.

Inspecting it a little closer.

Graham had to get in on the action as well.  Luckily for the turtle, it had that shell to protect him from Graham.  We had found some frogs in our window wells earlier this summer and the frog that Graham got his hands on did not fair to well.

Addy is definitely her Daddy's little girl.  She loves being outside helping him with anything she can, especially when it means she gets to ride on something with him.

Addy and Graham in the "hiding" spot under Grandpa's steering column on the pontoon.

Graham playing in the dirt at the lake.

Grandpa showing Addy how to swing a golf club with his Birdie Golf game.

This is how Addy preferred to put the balls in the target.