Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Everytime I get out the camera to take pictures of Graham, Addy also needs to get in on the action.  So here is Addy and her Monkey!
Well he isn't a little boy anymore.  He is now 11 months old and crawling all over the house.  Where ever Addy goes Graham is close behind her and right now she loves it!!  This all makes for a very happy mommy.  I also had surgery a few days before he turned 11 months old and I am not allowed to pick him up until shortly after he turns a year so I hope I don't loose my arm muscles after not totting this cutie around.

Sunday, June 2, 2013

When your dog wants nothing to do with your son but your son loves him so much, you have to give him an empty bottle to get Diesel to come over and get close to him!!  Someday maybe Diesel will learn to think of the kids as fun and not just an annoyance.

I can't believe he is 10 months old but it definitely feels like it on my arms.  This boy is about 21 pounds and giving me a major work out carrying him around while trying to get Ms. Pokie to hurry up, but this smile makes it all worth it.

This is what happens when you send a 3 year old to put on new underwear and pants after she had an accident.  She has on two pairs of underwear and she pants on upside down (legs in through the leg holes first instead of the waistband)!!  She is so silly and she knows it!!